It's been over a month since my last post and I admit, I really miss blogging. But as usual, I do not have the luxury of time to do stuff online because I am still the main caregiver of my son. In fact, I have become busier than ever because we moved house and we are expected to do almost everything for ourselves. Totally different from the previous house wherein we can eat without cooking, we have clean clothes without doing the laundry, we have fresh foods, vegetables and fish without going to the market, etc. But miracles do happen. LOL! Well, my inspiration to write this post reached the highest level, so high that I can't sleep without posting. :D
The inspiration I am referring to is the recent Google Adsense payout. Yes, it's the first for me after so many years of blogging. :D It's feels fulfilling to be finally earning from the things you worked hard for. naks!