Red and Hearts

Valentine’s Day is less than a week away. While it isn’t that big of a deal for me and my husband (since every day is Valentine’s Day to us :P), I’m pretty sure there are people who are excited for this day to come especially those who are expecting a date. Be it with your significant other, family or friends, going out on the 14th will surely be worthwhile you and your loved ones can look back to in the years to come.

Dressing up for the occasion can make the day more fun! Of course red is not required but this lovely red dress with heart prints is just perfect for the occasion.
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Below are some ideas on what to pair it with based on your personality and style.

Miss Prim and Proper

 Zalora Officer Jacket | Huxley Elka Dress | Zalora Platform Wedges | Bellabianca Ayala Clutch

The Rocker Chic

Something Borrowed Chained PU Leather Jacket | Huxley Elka Dress | C'NTRO Boots

Check out for your Valentine's Shopping needs!

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