“Tell him yes. Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no.” - Gabriel Garcí¬a Márquez, Love in the Time of CholeraThis may, or may not teach anyone life lesson of some sort but I chose this quote because it really fits my situation now. I’m not sure if you have read it here before but I am sure I have mentioned once or twice that I am getting married and that happened just three days ago.
The quote describes exactly how I feel during our courtship stage. When I agreed to be his girlfriend, I had mixed emotions. My heart was filled with happiness and love at the same I was a bit doubtful about him and how our relationship will turn out. But perhaps what I see in him and my willingness to give him a chance to share his life with me emboldened me to give this relationship a go.
Four years after, I said “YES” to him again complete with documents and ring. LOL!
I may be doubtful during the courtship and early stages of our relationship but I am glad and thankful now that I said yes to him when I did. It is one of the decisions I never regret making and I thank the Lord for that decision.