For months, I have been wondering how to get rid of my itchy scalp caused by flaky dandruff. I tried using Head and Shoulders but I have to stop using it after a week because it gave me split ends and made my hair dry. I cannot even say that it works in eliminating my dandruff since there is no significant change. I also tried adding a pinch of baking soda to my shampoo once a week but to no avail.
After failed attempts with commercially-available products, I knew that I have to take things seriously to get rid of this problem once and for all. I am determined to get rid of the itchy scalp through natural remedy. After reading blogs and forums about possible cure, I came up with my own solution. A lot of people mostly Westerners swear by apple cider vinegar and though it is also available in Iloilo, I decided not to go with it because my being frugal kicked in. One large bottle costs around Php 150 and since I needed only a small amount I didn’t think that it is practical to buy one. If only it is available in smaller bottles...

With that, I experimented a solution that I can use for the meantime. If it works then good, if not then that’s the time I would give ACV a try. Thankfully, my solution worked and I haven’t been getting flakes for more than a week already. Here’s what I did:
- Cut three pieces calamansi into half and massage each slice to your scalp. When doing so, you may want to wrap the calamansi into a cloth to avoid the mess of pulp and seeds. Also, you may want to increase or decrease the number of calamansi depending on your needs.
- Let it stay for 30 minutes or so.
- Rinse hair with water and shampoo using a mixture of one part water and one part baking soda. Let is stay for one to three minutes and rinse. Use conditioner if desired. (I suggest you condition your hair since baking soda can be drying.) Rinse.
- Repeat the process for three days.
On the fourth day, you can go back to your previous hair care routine and do the treatment every other week or as necessary. As for me, a couple of days after my three-day treatment, I switched to using organic shampoo and conditioner to strengthen the treatment. I will talk about organic shampoo and conditioner in another post.
Scientific name for calamansi is Citrofortunella microcarpa but is also called golden lime, calamonding and calamandarin.
Have you tried this remedy? Do you find it helpful? I’d certainly be glad to know if my remedy works for you too.