Two of my friends (my boyfriend's friends actually) who are April-borns celebrated their birthday last weekend at a private inland resort more than 30 kilometers away from the city. The resort itself is not accessible by vehicles hence we needed to walk for around half an hour in order to find out what this hidden haven has to offer. Walking under the summer heat is made bearable due to the sceneries greeting our eyes - rice field in one side, corn field in the other, fields planted with eggplant, peanut, camote and tomato in some other parts.
But the view of the fields is not even one half as beautiful as this:
The pool with the splendid Mt. Napulak behind it. |
Seeing this view first thing in the morning upon waking up will surely help you start your day right. But to those who cannot live without mobile phones/texting and internet, this is not the place to be for only those who want to relax and have peace of mind will truly enjoy this beauty of nature.
See the rest of the photos