It's the 16th of the month once more. This time I'm posting about something of great significance to my departed brother's life... something he loved more than any other beverage in the world - the Mountain Dew. If he'll just give in to temptation I swear he can drink more than five bottles a day. Some people even call him Mr. Mountain Dew when he was still alive.

On the day of his burial, we slipped in one can of the said soda inside his coffin along with his other personal belongings (one is the gray handkerchief I gave him :( ) as our "pabaon".
"You've been away for seven months big bro. If only there is a way for me to visit you, I would have done it right then. But apparently, I can only be with you in my dreams so I hope you'll visit me there more often."photo credit: bobtheking
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