For the past few months... er ok years, I have been contemplating to open an EON account so that I can use it with my PayPal. But then, I wasn't motivated to do so since Union Bank of the Philippines does not accept online application at the moment. And besides, I wasn't actually using PayPal to manage my finances online. But time has come when I really need to use my PayPal account. So I have no choice but to open an EON account since I heard a lot of good things about it in addition to having hard time withdrawing my money through my current bank which is BPI.

It took me one week to get my card after I submitted the necessary documents. My excitement to finally having my card went down the drain when I see the card and learned that my name is not spelled correctly (I cannot seem to get why many people are having hard time spelling my name). However, the bank employee there told me that the spelling doesn't really matter since what is important is the account number and pin. So I paid the amount needed to activate my card and left the bank.
But being a scrupulous that I am, I went to their
website to find out their contact info. I found that the bank has twitter account so I immediately followed and ask them my questions. I can't believe after a few minutes after my first tweet, I get a reply from them. And after a few more tweets, they are already giving me solutions to my problem. I'm quite impressed with their customer service online. They're far easier to contact than their call center which is often busy and will probably transfer you from one line to another.
I have just claimed my new card today and I am waiting for my account to be activated so that I can finally withdraw my money from PayPal. Quite excited to find out how this one works. Being a first-timer, I cannot deny that I sometimes feel doubtful about this and that. But I console myself with the belief that fast customer service is just one tweet away should any problem arise. Thank you to whoever is managing
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