Let's Hear from the Politicians

On my previous post, I compiled a list of Filipino celebrities who are using Twitter, a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables users to post messages for up to 140 characters. This service enables people to check out on their idols, know their recent and upcoming projects and even take a peak at their idol's random rants.

Not only TV personalities are hooked to Twitter. Even politicians are also joining this micro-blogging craze. They tweet to voice out their views on issues concerning public matter, their so-called plans for the country and their desire to "supposedly" help the Philippines.

Since Philippine election is just a few months away, I decided to gather the Twitter accounts of Philippine's most notable politicians to give ordinary people easy access to these accounts.

Chiz Escudero
Gibo Teodoro
Jejomar Binay
Kiko Pangilinan
Mar Roxas
Noynoy Aquino
Pia Cayetano

I only have seven right now. More to come. I'll keep you posted.

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